Japan protests Russia's declaring September 3 as day of victory over ' militaristic' Japan - The Hindu

Japan Voices Concerns as Russia Renames September 3 as Victory over “Militaristic” Japan Day

Diplomatic Tensions Rise over Commemoration Day Renaming

Diplomatic tensions have escalated between Japan and Russia following Russia’s decision to rename September 3, a significant day after Japan’s surrender in World War Two, as the Day of Victory over “Militaristic Japan.” Japan swiftly lodged a formal protest against Russia, expressing concerns that this move could exacerbate mutual antagonism between the two nations. Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno, the top government spokesperson, voiced Japan’s opposition, stating that this decision by Moscow had the potential to stir anti-Japanese sentiment among the Russian people and elicit anti-Russian sentiment among the Japanese population.

Japan’s Concerns and Regret over Moscow’s Decision

Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno conveyed Japan’s concerns during a press conference, emphasizing that the newly passed law could have detrimental effects on the already fragile relationship between the two countries. He expressed regret over Russia’s choice to rename September 3, characterizing it as “extremely regrettable” from Japan’s perspective. The move, according to Matsuno, had the potential to undermine efforts to foster mutual understanding and cooperation between Japan and Russia.

Mutual Antagonism and Potential Consequences

Japan’s protest against Russia’s decision reflects its apprehensions about the impact of the commemoration day renaming. By framing the victory as one specifically over “Militaristic Japan,” Russia’s move has raised concerns about the potential perpetuation of negative historical narratives and the exacerbation of existing tensions between the two nations. The Japanese government fears that this action could deepen the divide and strain relations, hindering efforts to build a more constructive and collaborative partnership.

Sensitivities Surrounding Historical Narratives

The renaming of September 3 as Victory over “Militaristic Japan” Day has touched upon the sensitivity of historical narratives and the interpretation of past events. Japan and Russia, like many countries, have their respective perspectives on World War Two, which have shaped their collective memory and national identity. Discrepancies in historical interpretations can lead to misunderstandings and strained relations. It is essential for both countries to engage in constructive dialogue, with a focus on fostering mutual understanding and acknowledging the complexities of historical events.

Necessity for Open Communication and Dialogue

Amidst the diplomatic tensions, open communication and dialogue become crucial in managing the fallout from Russia’s decision. Both Japan and Russia should prioritize maintaining channels of communication to address each other’s concerns and avoid further escalation. Diplomatic efforts should aim at fostering understanding, bridging gaps in historical perspectives, and seeking common ground for cooperation and mutual benefit.

Affecting People-to-People Relations

The potential consequences of Russia’s decision go beyond the realm of diplomacy and could have an impact on people-to-people relations. The fear of stirring anti-Japanese sentiment among the Russian people and vice versa highlights the importance of fostering cultural exchanges, promoting mutual respect, and nurturing positive interactions between citizens of both nations. By encouraging people-to-people connections, it is possible to transcend political tensions and build bridges of understanding.


Japan’s protest against Russia’s renaming of September 3 as Victory over “Militaristic Japan” Day underscores the rising diplomatic tensions between the two nations. The concerns raised by Japan regarding the potential impact on mutual antagonism and strained relations should be addressed through open communication, dialogue, and efforts to promote understanding. It is crucial for both countries to navigate these sensitive historical narratives with care