Pakistan protests U.S.-India joint statement on cross-border terrorism -  The Hindu

Pakistan Protests U.S.-India Joint Statement on Cross-Border Terrorism

Formal Protest Lodged by Pakistan against U.S.-India Joint Statement on Terrorism

Pakistan has officially registered its protest with the United States regarding a joint statement issued by India and the U.S. that criticizes Pakistan’s alleged involvement in cross-border terrorism. The Pakistani Foreign Office released a statement overnight, informing that the U.S. Deputy Chief of Mission was summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Monday evening, where a demarche was presented to address the concerns regarding the U.S.-India joint statement issued on June 22.

The joint statement, issued by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and U.S. President Joe Biden, called upon Pakistan to take action against the perpetrators responsible for the Mumbai and Pathankot attacks that occurred on November 26 and the early days of January respectively. The statement highlights the expectation that Pakistan holds those individuals accountable for their involvement in these acts of terrorism.

In response to this joint statement, Pakistan expressed its objection by summoning the U.S. Deputy Chief of Mission and presenting a demarche. The demarche serves as a formal diplomatic communication that allows Pakistan to register its concerns and objections to the content of the joint statement issued by India and the U.S.

The Foreign Office of Pakistan issued a statement explaining that the demarche was issued to the U.S. Deputy Chief of Mission during the meeting held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The purpose of this demarche was to convey Pakistan’s discontent with the U.S.-India joint statement that implicated Pakistan in cross-border terrorism.

By lodging this formal protest, Pakistan aims to communicate its position and disagreement with the allegations made against the country in the joint statement. The protest signifies Pakistan’s insistence on maintaining its stance regarding the Mumbai and Pathankot attacks, highlighting the need for a comprehensive investigation and concrete evidence before attributing responsibility to any party involved.

The joint statement by Prime Minister Modi and President Biden has drawn attention to the delicate dynamics between India, Pakistan, and the United States. The issue of cross-border terrorism remains a contentious topic, and this joint statement further intensifies the ongoing discussions and debates surrounding regional security and counterterrorism efforts.

In conclusion, Pakistan has lodged a formal protest with the United States regarding the joint statement issued by India and the U.S., which accuses Pakistan of involvement in cross-border terrorism. By summoning the U.S. Deputy Chief of Mission and presenting a demarche, Pakistan seeks to express its disagreement and objection to the content of the joint statement. This protest highlights the complexities and sensitivities surrounding the issue of cross-border terrorism and underscores the ongoing discussions on regional security and counterterrorism cooperation.